Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why I can't vote for Hillary

After watching a video taken at a Clinton rally today, I posted a response at that expresses my decision to vote for Senator Obama. In the interest of not reinventing the wheel, here it is, and make sure you post your own response at HuffPost:

I have prepared myself to vote for Senator Clinton, because I knew I would have to defend that vote, not only because I am a Democrat, but because I am a woman. I would have to convince people I wasn't supporting her "just" because she's a woman, that my vote was based on issues and substance, not blind gender allegiance. But the deeper I look, the less I am able to defend that position.

What I find so terribly sad about Senator Clinton's performance here is that she owes women so much better than this. She is all of us standing up there, and too often, her behavior defeats her purpose.

I would vote for her if she had put forward a presidential campaign worthy of a president, a campaign different from any of the testosterone-laden slug-fests of the past. Instead, she takes more money than any candidate from defense contractors, she denies her own statements about her health insurance plan, she cozies up to big media and resorts to ridiculous allegations of plagiarism, when she knew better. This video is the lowest of the low, a hypocrisy of the worst order. During the last debate, she went on about how "proud" she was to be standing next to Obama, a few days later, we have this, and her shameful performance in complaining about his campaign literature, as though she had not done the exact same thing.

Say what you want, Senator Clinton, but Obama's optimism is truly what this country needs. The fact that Senator Obama also has a meaningful health care plan, a plan for getting us out of Iraq and a plan to rally America around the kinds of ideals we all used to hold dear hasn't changed. He's selling the only thing you can't: Hope. And isn't that ironic?

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